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Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Earlier that turned into a bitter Sweet

I want to tell my experience thus only time with him..

He ..
He is the figure of a man who was very beautiful beginning
a man who I think is perfect
a man who can make me always smiling, happy, and color .. :)

but .. all her thoughts to me only a mere chimera.
Changing day by day in that month that made ​​me regret.
He changed her like do not love me anymore ..
I'm confused why he like that.
But I still believe he's like that because he wanted to be a success would be his future ..

Be patient when he was my key like that.

But my patience has limits.
Until finally one day a gray week
He decided to LEAVE ME .. :"((
not thought about by his resentment that I received when he said that.
This heart is like a very sharp knife cut.
fellings jumbled into one.

but all too late,, it's true he does not love me anymore ..
Initially I will not accept this decision
but I know that love does not have to have and love does not have to impose

Although the heart is sick I try to be patient to be patient and be patient ..

I always pray to God I hope he's feeling what I'm feeling right now ..

You do not feel it is now very congested heart sick that I feel when you leave me ..

but someday you will definitely feel it.

and now you already have a new lover again.
I know enough about you, and you now
I closed my sheets together this bitter betrayal to me your love
and do I open this new chapter in my life now ..

I hope someday you regret having made ​​me like this ..

all our memories I used to be a good store in my heart ..
because it is a very beautiful memories, but painful. : ")

goodbye my prince ..
someday I'll find my prince charming again that more is more than you ..
goodbye ..
I hope you're happy with the girlfriend ..

byee 31-01-2001

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